Planned Giving

The Library Foundation welcomes all forms of charitable giving, from the simplest outright donation to the most sophisticated estate gift. You may want to consider leaving a legacy with a planned gift that will support the Foundation in a meaningful, far-reaching and financial sound way. Foundation staff would be happy to work with you and your financial advisor to craft language that represent your goals in considering a planned gift. We encourage individuals to notify us of their intent to include the Foundation in their estate planning, which allows us to acknowledge your generosity.

Charitable Bequests and Legacy Gifts

You can make the Foundation a beneficiary in your will by giving a specific amount, a percentage of your estate or the remainder of your estate. A bequest through your will or trust is a simple way to make an important gift to support the Library. Bequests may be of any size.

(Sample Texts for Bequests)


Appreciated Securities

You may also want to consider giving outright gifts of appreciated securities, which can reduce your income and estate taxes and avoid capital gain taxes entirely. Giving appreciated securities can be used for both annual and major gifts.

Gifts of appreciated securities are put to work immediately, whether designated for unrestricted operating support, to fund a specific project, or to be invested as a permanent endowment.

This is an easy way to give and offers several tax advantages. The entire fair market value of the stock is fully tax-deductible and, by transferring stock directly to the Foundation, donors avoid capital gain taxes.

Life Insurance

You may make the Foundation the beneficiary of your life insurance policies. When an existing policy is given to the Foundation, the owner may deduct, as a charitable contribution, the current value of the policy or the net cost of the policy, if this is less than the current value. In addition, future premium payments are also deductible after ownership has transferred to the Foundation.

We are prepared to help you and your financial advisor find the gift structure that will provide the best combination of financial and tax advantage, while supporting the mission of the Foundation.

For additional information
regarding planned giving opportunities,
please contact the Foundation’s office:

The Library Foundation of Martin County, Inc.

2351 SE Monterey Road
Stuart, FL 34996
